As we are starting the new- already fourth (!!!) edition of the Art Food project, I’d like to present catalogs from previous editions which were never published on line. Please browse through these wonderful designs while the students from Pratt Institute and Cracow Fine Art Academy are working on completely new stuff! Fresh Art Food […]

As the hardest job is already behind the group and the most frustrating but eventually extremely rewarding in front of them, they can now purely enjoy the easy slip casting process. The molds are well done so all pieces come out of them smooth and beautiful, to the delight of students. However they are not […]

As the temperatures in Poland reached +32 Celsjus and the heat in the factory became unbearable, there was nothing else to choose but leave the molds for fast over-the-weekend dry and escape from hard work. Lublin was the target. Often referred to as the capital of eastern Poland, Lublin is the largest and the fastest […]

Working with plaster was so intense, hard and time consuming, so we hardly noticed it’s already Friday! The students were very much involved and dedicated to making their molds as fast as possible, but without proper and professional guidance it would not be possible to finish them succesfully. During this first week they have already […]

It’s Monday and all the students have arrived in Cmielow yesterday afternoon. Some after a very long journey did not even have a chance to rest, due to an early wake up call this morning and full mobilization for work. The first week is dedicated to plaster: correcting and adjusting the models, making the moulds […]

It’s the end of the semester and students in all schools are still competing to prepare the best proposals for the final review which takes place at the end of this week. Marek Cecula, the leader of the project, together with professors from each department, will choose the most interesting, challenging and suitable for industrial […]

Sensorial Stimuli by Jin Hyun Jeon is a project that can certainly be an inspiration for anyone who puts attention to details in both design and dining. One would think that a spoon is a spoon and it serves as a utensil that puts an edible substance into one’s mouth, but can it be more […]

Here we are starting already the third edition of the Art Food project. This time we will focus on SENSES. Three academies are getting involved this year: Gdansk Academy of Fine Arts Central Saint Martins Pratt Institute The students, mostly from industrial design departments, unlikely as in previous editions where we’ve had a majority of ceramic […]

Art Food 2014 in the making. A long process of creating a porcelain piece can be frustrating, yet always rewarding at the end of the road. If you are able to quickly adjust, understand the material and are VERY patient, you have a high chance to obtain pristine and elegant objects. Here is how they […]

The last three weeks went really fast. We did not even realize that there are only two days left to our departure from Cmielow… All works are being finished and packed, divided into three groups and marked: WROCLAW, LONDON, NEW YORK. These intense weeks were well spent, filled with hard work and are summed up […]

The workshops in Cmielow Design Studio have already started. Poland welcomed students from UK and USA with beautiful weather, calming countryside, fresh fruits and homemade cooking in contrast to the sweaty and noisy industrial enviroment. Both inspiring, drove the students to hard work, discipline and new interpretetions of their projects. We are half way through […]

Detailed schedule of the Summer workshops in Poland: June 28th or 29th (Saturday / Sunday) Students from Pratt Institute and Central St. Martins arrive in Warsaw or Wrocław (to be confirmed), Poland June 29th (Sunday) Travelling to Cmielow June 30th (Monday) The project starts in Cmielow Design Studio. Production of the Art Food : Fabryka […]

Eating is not only about taste and smell. It is about all senses. This is why chefs, food artists and designers are constantly seeking for new solutions of food serving. A dish doesn’t only provide a surface for placing the food but becomes an integral part of the meal and forms the multilayer experience for […]

So, time has come to put stuff on the plate. The Art Food project of the year 2014 is starting. We are happy to announce that this year we will be working with the following partners: Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Central St. Martins College, London, UK, The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, […]